Planting Day at our New Hampshire Resort

Planting Day at our New Hampshire Resort

Get your cameras handy. The grounds crew has been hard at work planting the latest delivery of 226 flowers. Braving a rather wet, unforgiving day, the grounds team tackled the monumental task head on. Transporting the plants around the resort with the help of golf carts and utility vehicles, the crew put in long hours tending to the plants and making sure things looked just right for the Memorial Day rush.

The annual “planting of the flowers” event helps mark our big push before the busy summer season at the resort. Trucks arrived bright and early, stocked to the brim with pink, red and white Supertunias, delivering a swath of colors to help accent the beautiful resort campus. If you are someone who appreciates the natural backdrop of a lovely New Hampshire day, then our flowers are sure to catch your eye on your next visit to the Hill. We hope to see you soon.