Travel Show Features Steele Hill – The Chef’s Plate

Travel Show Features Steele Hill – The Chef’s Plate

With our attractive combination of spacious rooms, abundant amenities and excellent cuisine, Steele Hill has become a favorite destination for many vacationers. This summer the Chef’s Plate, a weekly TV show that covers restaurants and hospitality businesses, approached us to showcase the property.

Helen Ryba, the show’s host and producer, was originally interested in focusing on the Hilltop Restaurant and our wedding offerings. As we shared the full potential of the resort, the episode quickly expanded from a 5 minute feature to a full-length episode. The show was a great opportunity to distill our best attributes down to a visually stunning, professionally produced showcase. For an insider look at what makes Steele Hill Resorts stand out, grab some popcorn and watch the full episode above. We hope you enjoy.